The Goldfish and the Heron

This poem is inspired by an imagination of events taking place at the pond in South Chingford Memorial Park (The "Lost Park") The Goldfish and the Heron “You won’t catch us Mr Heron!” said the goldfish in the pond..... "Standing up there on your rock in your boring grey coat with your beak stuck in the air" Mr Heron says nothing “This duckweed’s good, he can’t see us when we’re hidden under here we can blow bubbles to annoy him, then swim swiftly away so he can’t locate us!” Mr Heron looks slowly down at the duckweed-covered pond “Then we can go and hide in the water lilies, we will be quite safe there” So the goldfish hide in the water lilies. All is peaceful and nothing is happening, and all they can hear is the gentle flow of water as it enters the pond. “I’m bored!” says one of the younger goldfish after a while “I’m going to see if Mr Heron is still there” “Don’t go!” shout all the other goldfish, but too late the young goldfis...