Rock of the Ages

Another great poem from my former neighbour Beverley

Rock of the Ages

Each stone, a living memory
As I walk and wonder - 

Time and its space creates a story -
Gazing openly asunder 

 Every stone a piece of history
Embedded and in its place

I read, feeling, each ones glory
Its strength, its grace

What does it tell me?
How can it tell you?

That once it walked free,
And once it flew.

Wind and sea waves buffet
Into skipping, dancing
Alongside smaller pebble set
With tumbling and prancing

The core element sublime
Waiting for its merger
In a futuristic time

Altering form to purpose
Rock into grains of sand

It surpasses all
Attempting to understand 

Rock of the Ages
Trodden ground
Sung by the Sages
Whose feet have touched

It never gives up! 

Beverley Gill 

March 2022



  1. This ladies poetry seems to just flow and is so real with life and the natural energies that are with the writing just emerse the reader and stay with you. Can't wait for the next one

  2. Another lovely, meaningful poem


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