Welcome to the South Chingford Poetry Blog! If this is you first visit, then you may wish to view the preamble first, to see how and why the blog was developed. If you have visited before, you may prefer to proceed directly to the list of poems available for reading. Some people prefer to listen to poems being read out to them, rather than reading them, so recordings have been added in some cases (the links are at the beginning). Navigation through the blog is entirely via hyperlinks, which in general appear as blue text. Just click on these to follow where they lead (on a computer, the cursor shape changes to a hand when you hover over a link). At the end of each poem, there is a "RETURN TO LIST OF POEMS" hyperlink, which facilitates moving from reading or listening to one poem, to another. Thank you to all the contributors for allowing me to post their work. Enjoy! ...
To read or listen to any poem, just click on its title below A Poem Anon What a Difference a Year Makes Frank L Ashen Being Ninety - - - If only ... Frank L Ashen Eighty Five ...
A bio for Frank L Ashen appears before his poem "What a difference a year makes". BEING NINETY --- IF ONLY ... I give thanks for having reached this day After some hiccups on the way. When the excitement (?) has come and gone Back to normal I'll carry on. Sometimes it seems I'm doing well, at others it is hard to tell. Some things I did without a thought Now become problems, somewhat fraught. If only I could pack a holiday bag just as others do. Some pants and vests and shirts and socks, some trousers and some woollies, too. But first there comes the meditation, working out the medication. Tablets, capsules and the like, creams, salves, something for the night. It's not so much what you are 'on', but allowing for what might go wrong. No one to consult with as of yore. Play for safety, take rather more. If only I could walk a line; one that is moderately straight. Instead of stumbling as if to mime one who's had one over the eight. Would aerobics, I w...
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