Midnight Star & Thank You

Carole Rogers is a member of the knitting groups in South Chingford Community Library. She also participates in meetings of "The Discovery Space", which met monthly in the library, and transferred to operating online to run a project during lockdown. At the conclusion of the online project, some of the members produced an "Appreciation" card, as a thank you to all who helped them. Carole created these two beautiful poems which were included in the card:


             MIDNIGHT STAR

Last night I saw a midnight star
  in Heaven's timeless space
And I recalled those days gone by
  of moments I'd retrace.

  In deepest time within my mind
   My memories brought delight,
And - like that starshine in the sky -
  They lingered through the night.

  Just like an angel - as I slept -
    It watched me for a while,
And when I woke at break of dawn
     My star had left a smile.

  But as I gazed towards the sky
    T'was as I somehow feared...
With morning light and sunshine bright
      My star had disappeared.

                                                © Carole Rogers

                            THANK YOU

  Thank you dear friend for all that you do
    For your friendship and help and
                  sunny smiles too.
Thank you for showing how much you cared
            Through the Pandemic...the times
                               that we shared.

  When my troubles were many on a blue day
You came to my rescue...you showed me the way
                      You'd guide me and lead me
                             when no others could
         into the sunshine and out of the woods.

           Thank you for lending a helping hand
              Just for being there...to understand.
            Yesterday's gone and tomorrow will be
         But today is the life that you gave to me.

                                                         © Carole Rogers

You can see a report on the Discovery Space project during the pandemic here.



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